What brings this team of Ocean City District School Board candidates together? You and your children.
Standing for Sensible Education
Our candidates support every parent and every child in Ocean City Schools. Sensible education requires that parents are informed and involved in their children's education.
Robin Shaffer
Robin Shaffer, who filled a one-year unexpired term in January, is running on a slate of “Conservative Family Values,” along with running mates Steve Flogaus and Kevin Schaffer.
He ran last year with Catherine Panico and Liz Nicoletti, who both won three-year seats on the board. The team was outspoken against the revised state standards on sex and physical education standards.
“I hope to finish the business for which the voters put me in office — namely, to reflect OCNJ’s conservative values, to work towards protecting and restoring parents’ rights and to pursue strategies that promote academic excellence for every child. Along with two principled running mates on our Conservative Family Values ticket this year, Steve Flogaus and Kevin Schaffer, we have the team to do just that.”
Steve Flogaus
Steve Flogaus running on the slate of “Conservative Family Values” said of his decision to run, “As a conservative and a devoted father of two, one with special needs, I feel it’s my responsibility to make certain that all children are treated equally and fairly as they attend the Ocean City Public Schools.”
He said along with is running mates, “I will uphold the Conservative Family Values of the families of this great town to the best of my abilities.”
Kevin Schaffer
Kevin Schaffer, running on the slate of “Conservative Family Values” with Steve Flogaus and Robin Shaffer, said he wants to be involved in making the school district as good as it can be.
“As a long time Ocean City resident and father of three, I feel it’s important to give back to our community,” he said. “I couldn’t think of anything better than helping our children in achieving their goals.”
Support our Candidates
Let OC District School Board candidates, Robin Shaffer, Kevin Schaffer, and Steve Flogaus know you will support them on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.